Master Book: Work-in-Process

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Click here for our Master Book: WIP: Financial Accounting, Master Book: Work-in-Process

Master Book: Work-in-Process is the complete collection of our published chapter content: videos, exercises, and text. New content is posted as it’s completed. When will the book be complete?

Currently, the Master Book: WIP includes the Balance Sheet Chapter, with over 7 hours of videos and 20 exercises, and the Income Statement and Statements of Changes in Owners' Equity Chapter, with over 8 hours of videos and 30 exercises. Other chapters are incomplete, but have over 10 hours of videos and 45 exercises combined. Here is a list of completed chapter videos and exercises. Here is a list of completed chapter videos and exercises.

We don’t expect you to watch all the videos and do all the exercises. Rather, our goal is to provide flexible content that allows you to customize your learning path to meet your objectives, whether you are a corporate educator, college instructor designing a course, or a self-learner that wants to learn more about accounting. Indeed, we highly recommend you use one of our Course Maps to navigate the site’s content.

We would appreciate your feedback, ideas for improvements, or notification of errors. Just click the [+] Feedback link on the right of any web page.


Navigating Accounting® is a multimedia website that provides a foundation for understanding, preparing, and using accounting information. Its content seeks to integrate accounting research, teaching, and practice; procedural and conceptual skills; and the interplay between a reporting entity’s business and accounting decisions and decisions by users of its accounting reports. The content is available under Creative Commons Licenses. See the terms of use link at the bottom of the page for more information.

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